in review
Surber-Cunningham LS, *Jimenez LS, *Mobo LW, Westrick SE, Fischer EK (in review). Early development of the glucocorticoid stress response in poison frog tadpoles. bioRxiv.
Soto KM, Edmonds D, Colton AL, Britton MR, Hardin FO, Fischer EK (in review). Fortune may favor the flexible: Environment-dependent behavioral shifts in invasive coqui frogs. bioRxiv.
Westrick SE, Paitz RT, Fischer EK (in review). Why not both? A case study measuring cortisol and corticosterone in poison frogs. bioRxiv.
Soto KM, Hardin FO, Alleyne HP, Fischer EK (2024). Individual behavioral variability across time and contexts in Dendrobates tinctorius poison frogs. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. 78: 62.
Parrish TQ, Fischer EK (2024). Tap dancing frogs: Posterior toe-tapping and feeding behavior in Dendrobates tinctorius. Ethology. 00: e13465.
Podraza ME, Moss JB, Fischer EK (2024). Evidence for individual vocal recognition in a pair bonding poison frog from no-choice and two-choice paradigms. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227: jeb246753.
Surber LS, Oza SS, Fischer EK (2024). Conspecific cues elicit distinct behavioural responses in cannibalistic poison frog tadpoles. Animal Behavior. 208: 79-89.
Terrill-Sondag EE, Stewart-Merrill TE, Drnevich J, Holmes JR, Fischer EK, Cáceres CE, Strickland LR (2023). Differential gene expression in response to fungal pathogen exposure in the aquatic invertebrate, Daphnia dentifera. Ecology and Evolution. 13(8): e10354.
Fischer EK (2023). Form, function, foam: Evolutionary ecology of anuran nests and nesting behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378: 20220141.Fischer EK (in press). Form, function, foam: Evolutionary ecology of anuran nests and nesting behaviour. Philosophical Transactions B.
Moss JB, Tumulty JP, Fischer EK (2023). Evolution of acoustic signals associated with cooperative parental behavior in a poison frog. PNAS.
Westrick SE, Moss JB, Fischer EK (2022). Who cares? An integrative approach to understanding the evolution of behavioural plasticity in parental care. Animal Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.10.005
Westrick SE, Laslo M, Fischer EK (2022). The Natural History of Model Organisms: The big potential of the small frog Eleutherodactylus coqui. eLIFE 11, e73401.
Fischer EK, Hauber ME, Bell AM (2021). Back to the basics? Transcriptomics offer integrative insights into the role of space, time and the environment for gene expression and behavior. Biology Letters 17(9): 20210293.
Fischer EK, Song Y, Hughes KA, Zhou W, Hoke KL (2021). Non-parallel transcriptional divergence during parallel adaptation. Molecular Ecology 30(6): 1516-1530.
Fischer EK, Alvarez H, Lagerstrom KM, Petrillo R, Ellis G, O’Connell LA (2020). Neural correlates of winning and losing fights in poison frog tadpoles. Physiology & Behavior 112973.
Lynch KS, Louder MM, Friesen CN, Fischer EK, Xiang Angell, Steele A, Shalov J (2020). Examining the disconnect between prolactin and parental care in avian brood parasites. Genes, Brains and Behavior.
Fischer EK, O’Connell LA (2020). Hormonal and neural correlates of care in active versus observing poison frog parents. Hormones & Behavior 120: 104696.
Fischer EK, Roland AB, Moskowitz NA, Vidoudez C, Ranaivorazo N, Tapia EE, Trauger SA, Vences M, Coloma LA, O’Connell LA (2019). Mechanisms of convergent egg-provisioning in poison frogs. Current Biology 29(23): 4145-4145.e3.
Fischer EK, Roland AB, Moskowitz NA, Tapia EE, Summers K, Coloma LA, O’Connell LA (2019). The neural basis of tadpole transport in poison frogs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20191084.
Fischer EK, Nowicki JN, O’Connell LA (2019). Evolution of Affiliation: patterns of convergence from genomes to behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374(1777): 20180242.
Lynch KS, O’Connell LA, Louder MIM, Balakrishnan CN, Fischer EK (2019). Understanding the loss of maternal care in avian brood parasites using preoptic area transcriptome comparisons in brood parasitic and non-parasitic blackbirds. Genes Genomes Genetics 9(4): 1075-1084.
Moskowitz NM, Roland AB, Fischer EK, Ranaivorazo N, Vidoudez C, Aguilar MT, Caldera SM, Chea J, Cristus MG, Crowdis JP, DeMessie B, Desjardins-Park CR, Effenberger AH, Flores F, Giles M, He EY, Izmaylov, NS, Lee CC, Pagel NA, Phu KK, Rosen LU, Seda DA, Shen Y, Vargas S, Murray AW, Abebe E, Trauger SA, Donoso DA, Vences M, O’Connell LA (2018). Seasonal changes in diet and toxicity in the Climbin Mantella frog (Mantella laevigata). PloS ONE 13(12): e0207940.
Northcutt AJ, Fischer EK, Puhl JC, Mesce KA, Schulz DJ (2018). An annotated CNS transcriptome of the medicinal leech, Hirudo verbena: de novo sequencing to characterize genes associated with nervous system activity. PloS ONE 13(7): e0201206.
Fischer EK, Westrick SE, Hartsough L, Hoke KL (2018). Differences in neural activity, but not behavior, across social contexts in guppies, Poecilia reticulata. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 131.
Fischer EK & O’Connell LA (2018). Spotlight: Circuit architecture underlying distinct components of parental care. Trends in Neurosciences 41(6): 334-336.
Hoke KL, Hughes KA, Fischer EK, Ghalambor CK (2018). Untangling the role of selection and drift in population divergence via transcriptional network simulations: Extended analysis of Ghalambor et al. (2015). bioRxiv 277830.
Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL, Ruell EW, Fischer EK, Reznick DN, Hughes KA (2018). Brief communication arising: Ghalambor et al. reply. Nature 555(7698): 688.
2012 - 2017
Fischer EK & O’Connell LA (2017). Modification of feeding circuits in the evolution of social behavior. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 92-102.
Fischer EK, Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL (2016). Can a network approach resolve how adaptive vs nonadaptive plasticity impacts evolutionary trajectories? Integrative and Comparative Biology 56(5): 877-888.
Fischer EK, Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL (2016). Plasticity and evolution in correlated suites of traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 991-1002.
Fischer EK (2016). Flexibility and constraints in the evolution of gene expression and behavior. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 87:1-3.
Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL, Ruell EW, Fischer EK, Reznick DN, Hughes KA (2015). Non-adaptive plasticity potentiates rapid adaptive evolution of gene expression in nature. Nature 525: 372-375.
Fischer EK, Schwartz AJ, Hoke KL, Soares D (2015). Social context modulates predator evasion strategy in guppies. Ethology 121(4): 364-371.
Fischer EK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA, Hoke KL (2014). Predator exposure alters stress physiology in guppies across timescales. Hormones & Behavior 65(2): 165-172.
Fischer EK, Soares D, Archer KR, Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL (2013). Genetically and environmentally mediated divergence in lateral line morphology in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3132-3142.
Wall VL, Fischer EK, Bland ST (2012). Isolation rearing attenuates social interaction-induced expression of immediate early gene protein products in the medial prefrontal cortex of male and female rats. Physiology & Behavior 107(3): 440-450.