april 2024 - undergraduate research symposium
VERY proud of all our amazing undergrads who presented their work at the university-wide undergraduate research symposium! Another year of many awesome posters! And this year we’re also grateful to Lisa who helped organize the whole event.
february 2024 - toe tapping in the New York Times!
A very exciting day - work led by Thomas Parrish (former undergrad, musician, and soon to be med student) is featured in the NY Times. Turns out people love the toe tapping behavior just as much as we do! Read more here.
febuary 2024 - lisa receives LAS award for excellence in undergraduate teaching!
Congrats Lisa! Read more here. UPDATED pictures from the awards ceremony in April! Shaking hands with Venetria K Patton, the Dean of LAS - pretty fancy!
january 2024 - SICB follow-up: Isabella wins best poster award!
Isabella won the Adkins-Regan Best Student Poster Award for her work on maternal aggression in poison frogs - WOOHOO!
january 2024 - another successful SICB!
Emily, Sarah, Lucas, Lisa, and Isabella (left to right in picture below) travelled to Seattle to start the year off right with science (and snacks!) at this year’s SICB meeting.
december 2023 - kat defends her masters, kat and molly graduate
A happy and a sad day - Kat successfully defended her Masters (and with two papers under review, woohoo!). Molly finished the IB Masters program in style. We will miss you!
october 2023 - lisa’s paper is accepted!
Graduate student Lisa Surber’s paper on cue responses in tadpoles is accepted to Animal Behavior - woohoo! That means Fischer Lab’s second ever paper cake! [UPDATE January 2024: paper now officially published!]
april 2023 - undergraduate research symposium
VERY proud of all our amazing undergrads who presented their work at the university-wide undergraduate research symposium! i have no data to back this up, but i think we might have been the lab with the most posters.
Olivia & Isabella
Halle & Haru
april 2023 - so much to celebrate!
Lots of good news from the lab. Our first empirical paper is out in PNAS - woohoo! Evolution of Acoustic Signals Associated with Cooperative Parental Behavior in a Poison Frog. Jen - lead author and postdoc extraordinaire - started our new tradition of making “paper cakes” to celebrate publications. In addition, so many awards we can’t keep up with the posting! Grad student Emily Terrill received funding to further develop the K-12 Frogs-in-Call program. Check out our community engagement page (FischerFrogFolks.com) for more. Undergrad Abby Stevenson received not one but TWO awards to support her work in the lab this summer. Grad students Kat Soto and Lisa Surber also secured some summer support. CONGRATS all around!
Abby hard at work on hormone extractions.
march 2023 - Indiana Animal Behavior Conference
We took a roadtrip to Bloomington for the Indiana Animal Behavior Conference. A super fun regional conference that lets us interact with researchers from the Midwest. Jen and Lisa gave talks, and undergrads Molly and Thomas presented conference posters for the first time - woohoo!
march 2023 - library visits
We fought off our winter blues by visiting libraries in the Champaign-Urbana area! We prepared some interactive activities and got the frogs ready for field trips to the Mahomet Public Library, Champaign Public Library, and Urbana Free Library. These visits were our first experience connecting libraries and it was a total hit! Over 300 people came out and we’ve gotten lots of follow-up interest. We learned that Champaign-Urbana is home to many frog enthusiasts and can't wait to interact with the community again this Spring! Keep an eye out for events listed on our new dedicated community engagement page, FischerFrogFolks.com
RT @sewestrick: check out our new Fischer Lab community engagement website! members of our lab have been doing some awesome work ta… https://t.co/qKk2VMU0xh
RT @evakfischer: frog friends: anyone have pictures of frog nests or nesting (broadly defined)? brooding chambers, burrows, foam or… https://t.co/0A3etf7jPZ
RT @CLACS_Illinois: Eva Fischer (@evakfischer and @ekfischerlab), Assistant Professor in @iBioIllinois, was just named an @LASillinois… https://t.co/YQrDTpOAp7
RT @sewestrick: Excited for @LisaLSurber's talk on poison frog tadpole plasticity @IU_CISAB Animal Behavior Conference this afterno… https://t.co/entMguco8l
General public lecture this week as part of the awesome Science Cafe series hosted by @IGBIllinois. Science and fro… https://t.co/zD4VBVNRsv